What Should I Write Next?

I’m finishing up the developmental edit of Nothing Larger Than These Stars and although I’ve written a large chunk of the sequel, my plan is to work on something else while I wait to see if STARS gains some traction with agents. (If not, I may self-publish it before the end of 2021). I have multiple ideas and works-in-progress, but I learned the hard way if i don’t focus on one thing, nothing will get finished. So I thought I’d let you all vote on what you think sounds like the thing you’d most like to see. (And then I’ll work on whatever I feel like working on anyway, but at least I’ll know if I’m going to have an uphill battle promoting it with you.) PS: SORRY THE FORM APPEARS TO BE A BIT MESSED UP ON SOME PHONES AND BROWSERS. THANKS, FORMINATOR. :/

Go for it! Thanks for your input!

which novel should I work on next?


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