About that next book …

I was wrestling with my “next” book last night, just couldn’t get the words flowing. So on a whim I decided to pay a little visit to the sequel to my “first” book. It’s about 40,000 words in (of probably…
I was wrestling with my “next” book last night, just couldn’t get the words flowing. So on a whim I decided to pay a little visit to the sequel to my “first” book. It’s about 40,000 words in (of probably…
I’m finishing up the developmental edit of Nothing Larger Than These Stars and although I’ve written a large chunk of the sequel, my plan is to work on something else while I wait to see if STARS gains some traction…
I’ve been thinking recently about how to improve my writing in a way that goes beyond reading every book on writing that comes out. Spoiler alert: I’ve already read a lot of those books (#imayhaveaproblem) and although they’re all useful…
No, no … don’t get excited. I haven’t managed to do that yet. In fact, I got another form letter ‘no’ today from someone I thought would be interested in my work. But before I go down the spiral of…
I wrote my first short story when I was in the second grade. The teacher loved it, made much over it, took it home to read it to her family, and dubbed me ‘a writer.’ You could call this my…
So the Podcast reboot has shaped up nicely. I’m so dumb, I thought nobody would want to be a guest, but it turns out lots of people want to be guests. They just weren’t psychic and I had to, you…
What kind of writer are you? If you’re new to this whole writing thing, you might not know the terms “pantser” and “plotter.” Here is a quick start guide for you, then. Pantser: Flies by the seat of their pants,…
You can guess from the title that I set specific writing goals every month. This is a relatively new thing for me–until recently, I was making do with writing goals like “FINISH THE DAMN BOOK.” (I really didn’t give up…
Then you need Publish & Thrive, the five-week course developed by top-selling YA indie author Sarra Cannon. Sarra takes her 10 years of experience and distills it all down into an online lesson format combined with LIVE Q&As every week…